day 23: New favourite band/singer/artist

Odd!!!!!!! My new favourite band right now is this Dumaguete City local band, Odd. I heard them during my universities Founders’ Day celebration, August of 2016. Their sound has no words but you can hear them scream “LISTEN TO ME! I have something to tell you”. Longing for their listeners to not only hear the Good News they seem to try and portray but to really trigger their souls to get up. Each song starts with a “hey there,” and towards the middle it sounds like the climax of an inspirational movie where the main character comes back to life after being shot in the back 27 times and ends with a refreshing drink of ice cold water after a 2 hour long hike under the heat of the sun.

I have heard people say they “feel” things when they experience Odd like there’s something out there. For a band who doesn’t have any lyrics in their music to entice someone to question the possibility of a Higher Power, is just amazing. Someone also told me that they feel a sense of hope, like there’s something to live for. Remember, there are no audible words in any of their songs, but they claim to hear other-worldly things. Are you kidding me? NO WORDS AT ALL! Honey, you can interpret their music any way you want and WORSHIP IS WHAT THEY HEAR??? They have such a great mix of technology and your basic 4 elements of band, lead, rhythm, bass, and drums. Not to mention their chemistry is undeniable. You can see the unity in wanting to unveil a life-changing message to a spirit-crushed world. Such an odd way but in a today where anything can become offensive or whatever, it’s just perfect imo.

Day 19: Something i miss

I miss living next to the ocean. I miss falling asleep and waking up to the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. I miss taking a dip whenever I feel like it and just floating around until my head bumps into something and I realise that I’m a mile away from the shore. That has happened twice but not as far the second time. I like swimming in waters so deep that it’s so dark green, it’s almost black. I miss taking the kayak/canoe/bamboo boat out and chill in the sun or to go far enough that I can’t see the bottom of the ocean. I just really miss living next to the ocean.

Day 18: Where I want to be in 10 years

a very controversial question. people seem unsatisfied when i tell them that i just pray for peace that passes understanding and perseverance to push through whatever God has planned. But everyone seems to want a legit or concrete answer. uhm, well Earth??? i want to be on Earth??? is that good enough??

honestly, i just want to be surrounded by people who encourage me daily to keep fighting the good fight and to stay true to myself as a reflection of who Christ is.

UNICEF. i want to work somewhere like UNICEF idk. bruhhhhhh God’s will be done.

Day 14: Dream Job

I really want to work for the United Nations or UNICEF or WHO or something of similar global impact. I love our planet and I understand the hurt we hoomans have caused it over the years. I really don’t care much for the pay since I have always been the type to adjust myself (not easily but willingly so) to any situation, culture, weather, and whatever.

I researched and Unicef hires Special Education graduates so that’s what i’m taking up. I’m trying to find a way that i can volunteer during my free time.

Day 13: Something my parents used to say

“look with your eyes and not with your mouth”
I mean, are you even Filipino if you’ve never heard this saying at least once everyday? I lose my things all the time. I’m basically just lazy and would rather have someone tell me where exactly something would, should, could be instead of looking for it myself. I mean, it’s faster that way y’know? Well anyway, as a result, my [un]quest is met with this very response followed by eye-rolls and murmuring and getting up and having to move heaven and hell when my parentals knew where the thing I was searching for was from the start.

blog challenge

so obvs I havent been diligent in this and with that being said, I shall resume my blogging once again! whats up guise?

Day 12: Favourite Quote

“Carpe diem et memento mori” it’s Latin for Seize the day but remember [that] you die. It’s kind of like “YOLO” but with meaning. To me, it means you must be cautious with how you “seize” your day. Cautious doesn’t have to mean boring. Depending on how you see it, being cautious is making sure your loved ones would still get to see you later that day scathed or unscathed.

Day 9: Most Proud Moment

Probably when I started teaching Sunday school. It’s one thing to teach a small group of kids, and it’s another to teach all the groups of kids. Yes ladies and gents, I taught all ages from 3-12 at the same time… 13yr olds and over get to go to big Church. There were times when I had some help, but most of the times my “help” were busy eating the excess animal crackers. Smh. I had to keep the toddlers entertained while making sure the preteens weren’t bored out of their mind.

This was because we didn’t have anyone else to teach. Everyone had their own agenda and I overheard that the church was going to just remove kids church cause there was no one to man it. So I prayed about it and with a little push from my mum, I took on the job. I did however have formal training on how to effectively share the Gospel to kids who may or may not know how to read themselves or who do not live in a Christian home.

So that was fun. I was on my own alongside Jesus for about 2 years until some of the youth decided to go through training as well and help me out and eventually, the groups went into sections and I went from teaching to making the lesson plans instead. It was great. To God be the glory!

Day 8: Piercings or Tattoos?

Both please!

I’m scared of getting a tattoo though because I only want three specific ones and anyone I’ve ever met who has tattoos say that they’re addictive. Like, you just want more after getting one. I am not sure if I can control myself with that. I mean, I want the ever all hipster nose-ring but I don’t think I’m gonna want too many holes on my body.  and I already have earlobe piercings. Teehee.


I now have 4 tattoos and 3 piercings. hahahaha I did mention that i may not be able to control myself and here we are…

Day 7: Ten favourite foods

  2. With pasta, usually comes, GARLIC BREAD!
  3. Gelato
  4. Sashimi, especially from a fresh catch of yellowfin tuna oh drool!!!
  5. Fried tapioca with brown sugar
  6. Cherumrum and sos with lemon! (idk what that is in English yo but it’s so good)
  7. Smoked Chum
  8. Palabok (Idk what this is in English either hahaha)
  9. Corn flakes
  10. Carrot cake with cream cheese filling

Perfect way to my heart 🙂

Day 6: three traits I’m proud of

  1. I’m extremely forgiving. I forgive very easily as in, we can become best friends. Like nothing ever happened. Not even being fake. For realsies. And I honestly don’t think it’s a bad thing. I mean, I should definitely tell people when they’ve wronged me obvs! But I won’t let it get to me. Like, If you break something I lent to you, I wont be so anal about it. But I definitely will think twice before lending something to and ask for your reassurance. Just to let you know, not to screw up again…. I’ll still lend it to you even after you broke it the 5th time. Just like how Jesus chose to die for me and to love me even though I’m a sinner who chooses to do bad or think bad, He still loved me. And im just trying to show other people the same kind of Love.
  2. I don’t care about my appearance too much. I care enough to look decent so as not to offend anyone. But I don’t try to look good to attract attention. Like, I seldom ever wear make-up. But at the same time I loooove lipstick an mascara kthanksbye
  3. I care a lot about others. I’m super loving towards people. I like to give my time and efforts to people even if I don’t know you too well… and a lot of the times, I get hurt or taken advantage of… but like what I stated in #1…. 🙂