Day 14: Dream Job

I really want to work for the United Nations or UNICEF or WHO or something of similar global impact. I love our planet and I understand the hurt we hoomans have caused it over the years. I really don’t care much for the pay since I have always been the type to adjust myself (not easily but willingly so) to any situation, culture, weather, and whatever.

I researched and Unicef hires Special Education graduates so that’s what i’m taking up. I’m trying to find a way that i can volunteer during my free time.

And they say, Chivalry is dead?

Texting your feelings is just so dumb. I like to text random things and poop and whatnot but to tell a person how you feel without the sincerity of the tone of your voice is just lame. And then to tell her you’re having “issues” through text (yet again) kind of just makes a person feel insignificant you know? Honestly, if you’re reading this, did you stop to consider how I might feel? ugh…

Okay I admit it. I never really appealed to him until after I had to make a decision of either staying or leaving and it’s pretty dumb. I did not choose to stay BECAUSE of him. But I did use him as one of the pros of staying thus outweighing the cons list by 2…

I fall guilty when it comes to texting my feelings as well. Even though I’m so vocal about not making decisions based on feelings, when it comes to flattering myself, I seem to become rather immune to my own advice…

and they called it…Puppy love :)

What do you call it when you begin to imagine scenarios of yourself and another person going on romantic adventures? Dang it… I try to guard my heart but should I gouge out my eyeballs as well? Does this mean Im not spending enough time with the Lord? WHY AM I FEELING THINGS? I don’t like this. It’s not okay!

So, background story, I’ve had the biggest and longest crush on one of the coolest guys on the planet (2nd of course to my father). His name is Ceejay. No worries, he knows I love him. I think anyone who’s known me since I could speak knows this fact. I base any of my real life crushes off of him. If they don’t showcase any of even just 3 of his many Godly and inspiring qualities (which I will not mention to keep my current crush a hush hush), then it’s an automatic no.  yes, I will obviously admire the appearances of some people but here this! MAN LOOKS TO THE OUTWARD APPEARANCE BUT GOD LOOKS TOWARD THE HEART! It’s the inside that matters amaright?? Can I get an amen?

SO THEN if you haven’t guessed, I had recently met someone who evidently acquire these specific attributes and my mind is spinning! My heart is pounding! My knees are shaking! And dear Angel Gabriel is that you lifting me off my feet or is it that smile of his? i feel my pupils turn into tiny hearts… this is crazy…or is it just me?

did i mention his killer smile?

DISCLAIMER: lol. no worries, Jesus is my numba 1 and i thank Him for creating maybe a picture of what He may give me in the future? i guess? bwahahahaha!!